They say it’s a sign of getting older, but I just don’t know where the past year has gone. It seems like only five minutes ago that we were planning for 2017. Blink, and yet another twelve months have passed. We at Flame sincerely hope that 2017 has brought all you hoped, and that you’re now able to grab some well-earned rest.
As you pour yourself a glass of mulled wine, or feast on another mince pie, I’d encourage you to reflect on three key questions:
1. What are the three most important things I’ve learned in the past year?
These can be personal or work related. The important thing is to recognise what you’re more aware of now than you were this time last year. For example, one of the key things I’ve learned is the benefit of involving others in the strategic planning process.
2. How can I apply this learning over the next twelve months?
You may have heard that one definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So how can you use those key learnings to identify what you can do more of, less of or differently in the months ahead? Using my planning example, I’m committed to increasing the involvement of others in business-based problem solving and strategic decision making.
3. What do you want to achieve in 2018?
In a previous blog we explored effective goal setting processes, so I won’t labour the approach here. Research tells us that those who identify and document clear goals are more likely to succeed in their endeavours than those who don’t. The old adage is true – if you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know when you get there?
Answering these three questions will put you in a great position to start 2018 with a bang.
Time to sign off for this year. Thanks to all our past, present and future clients for your ongoing support. Wishing you and yours a restful holiday period. Here’s to a happy, healthy and successful 2018!
– Dan